Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tuesday, 2/9/16 through Friday, 2/12/16: Unit 3 Performance Task

The "Performance Task" portion of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) standardized testing (coming up in several months) gives students the opportunity to demonstrate proficiency primarily in three of the four "claims" involved with reporting standardized test scores.  These three are Claim 2: Problem Solving; Claim 3: Communicating Reasoning; and Claim 4: Modeling and Data Analysis.  (Claim 1 is "Concepts and Procedures.")

The format for the performance task is that students are given a scenario (such as running a business), followed by about 6 or so questions related to the task at hand.  The goal of this part of the assessment is not necessarily to test the students' knowledge of their math skills, but more to assess their ability to apply them in context, as they are expected to do so in high school, college or university, and in the real world.

As we did with the end of Unit 1, this week we are having our students on individual computers taking our district's own Unit 3 math performance task.  Today we did the "classroom activity," designed to make sure that students understand the context of the problem.  Wednesday and Thursday students will be on the computers taking the performance task.  Friday we will debrief, which is the most critical part of this exercise.

As we are between units and performing this important task this week, no formal homework is assigned during the week.

However, looking ahead to Unit 4, it is on transformational geometry.  Starting next week we will be working through lessons 9-1 through 9-5.  Although students haven't been given the pages for these lessons yet, they can access the online student textbook through my.hrw.com .

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